
UK: +44 7907 452 424

PL: +48 690 186 189


I love connecting with people. I love having conversations. What excites me most about what I do is the human interaction – getting people inspired and fired up about what we might create together. Great stories, meaningful talks, pride, legacy.

I like to use my camera as an ice breaker, a way I can start those conversations… a bit like “going to the gym" for my social skills! Being able to preserve those moments through photography is an unbeatable feeling.

I left Poland at the age of 19 – being forced into the army for a year wasn’t really my thing. I went through lots of weird and wacky jobs: window-fitting, making up food trays for airlines flying out of Heathrow, and at one point I was translating documents from English to Polish. I got cocky and decided to try for an office-based job, then worked in media distribution for about three years. I quickly became scared that I’d still be making Excel spreadsheets by the time I turned 40.

Around the same time, I’d started using a Sony Ericsson mobile phone (remember those?) to photograph with. I also discovered how much I enjoyed playing around in Photoshop. After that, I bought my first DSLR and, soon enough, I decided I wanted to take photography more seriously. 

I quit my job and decided to enroll in university. I emptied my flat and left West London for... North London. I didn’t go far, but it was a huge change.

Now, specialising in portrait and fashion photography, I count working with clients like Disney, Abbey Road Studios, Channel 4, Channel 5 and Lionsgate as some of my top highlights.

Got an interesting project, commission, or idea? Let’s start a conversation!


Abbey Road Studios
Brockton Capital
Channel 4
Channel 5
Comic relief

Edge Petrol
Fred Bennet
Hairy Bikers
Joshua Kane
Monkey Busines

Once upon a time
Payday Records
Sam’s Labs
Shaun Gordon
Turnbull & Asser
Willow and Warson

Using Format